High Gloss Paver Sealer
- Protect & Seal: Seals and Waterproofs All Paver Surfaces Including Paver Patios, & Paver Sidewalks (Note: Not for use on paver driveways)
- Clear Wet-Look Finish: Leaves an Attractive Gloss Sheen (Amount of Sheen Depends on Number of Coats & Surface Porosity)
Prevents Damage: Defends Pavers from Color Loss Caused by UV Rays & Weathering
- Keeps Joint Sand in Place: Stabilizes & Hardens Joint Sand to Help Prevent Wash-out
- Easy to Use: Apply with Pump Sprayer or Paint Roller
- Easy to Clean Up: Simply Clean Up with Soap & Water

MasonrySaver® High Gloss Paver Sealer is a durable, water-based, clear sealer designed to protect and beautify both clay brick and cement patio type paver stones, giving them a gloss, angular sheen. High Gloss Paver Sealer is formulated with a high performance acrylic resin that provides protection from both water and the ultra-violet light of the sun. This can be used on most types of horizontal, above grade concrete and masonry applications including: clay brick, clay paver stones, cement paver stones and natural stone. It gives pavers a gloss sheen, with a wet-look.
Before use, read all directions for preparation, application, and safety information. Always test each type of surface before application for suitability and desired results before proceeding with general application. Do not proceed with application if any of the following occur: temperature falls below 50°F, rainfall is predicted within 8 hours of application, or when surface is frozen. Application should only be made when surface temperature is between 50-90°F and is thoroughly dry.
Limitations: Do not use over extremely dense, polished, or asphalt surfaces. This product is designed for horizontal surfaces only. Do not use on below-grade applications that are subject to severe hydro-static pressures. Paver Sealer will not prevent water penetration through structural cracks, joints, or defects. This product is not suited for use on driveways or surfaces exposed to hot tire traffic. It's best suited for use on patios, porches, sidewalks, or any horizontal paver surface with foot traffic only. For driveways, consider using MasonrySaver Low Gloss Paver Sealer, as it has been designed and tested to perform well on driveways with hot tire traffic. This product does not hold up to exposure to brake fluid. This product will darken the surface and produce a gloss, angular sheen.
The amount of sheen created is dependent on the porosity of substrate. Porous surfaces will not exhibit as much sheen as dense/smooth surfaces. Test in an inconspicuous area first to ensure satisfactory results.
Ensure that surface is clean and free of dirt, debris, mold or algae. If oil or grease stains are present, use a high quality degreaser. If desired, a pressure washer can be used and may result in a cleaner surface than rinsing with a garden hose alone. Allow adequate time for the pavers to thoroughly dry. Under sunny, dry conditions, this will normally take 2-3 days.
Note: Treated surfaces may become slick when wet. To provide a non-skid surface, consider adding MasonrySaver Non-Slip Additive to this product. If using the additive, material will need to be rolled on instead of sprayed as additive granules may cause sprayer tips to clog. The additive only needs to be used on the second (final) coat.
APPLICATION METHODS: Equipment: Apply by airless or low-pressure spray (20 psi), brush or roller. For airless sprayers, use tip sizes between .011 and .015. Two thin coats (2-3 mils DFT) as opposed to one heavy coat will provide the best results.
APPLICATION: Mix thoroughly before use. Apply two uniform coats of material to pavers with a pump-up garden sprayer with a fan-type nozzle. You can also use an airless sprayer, brush, or roller. Allow the first coat to dry completely, approximately two hours, before applying the second coat. Avoid puddling and/or ponding of the product on the surface. Brush or roll product out until it is evenly disbursed and all puddles are removed. Less material will be required on the second coat than was required on the first coat. Use soap and water to remove overspray as soon as possible.
Note: Over-application of material may cause darkening of surface. Product will cause stains left on surface being treated to darken. Remove all stains before applying. Storage and Disposal: Do not store below 32° F. Dispose of this container and any unused product in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. Dry Time: Surface will be dry to touch in 1-2 hours, depending on temperature and humidity. Allow 24 hours before using. Allow 7 days before exposure to hot tire traffic. Cleanup: Clean tools immediately after each use with soap and water.
Coverage Rates: Cement Pavers: 75-150 sq. feet per gallon. Clay Pavers: 150-200 sq. feet per gallon. Actual rates will vary widely due to substrate porosity. Do not thin product.
MAINTENANCE: Remove all contaminants which might stain or abrade treated surfaces as quickly as possible to minimize staining and abrasion. Occasional cleaning with a mild detergent will generally restore treated surfaces to their original appearance. When High Gloss Paver Sealer begins to appear worn from the surface, a single maintenance coat of material may be applied once surface has been properly prepared. Avoid applying a maintenance coat more frequently than every 18 to 24 months to avoid excessive buildup of sealer on the surface. When buildup of product does become excessive, surface should be thoroughly stripped of product followed by an application of two thin coats (2-3 mils DFT) of material.
Keep out of reach of children. Contains a chemical that may cause an allergic skin reaction. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
FIRST AID: IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. SKIN CONTACT: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation or rash develops. EYE CONTACT: Flush with water for several minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. IF SWALLOWED: DO NOT induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water. Get medical attention if symptoms develop. See Product Data Sheet and SDS for additional information on this product available at masonrysaver.com.
VOC Content: <100 g/L